First Blog: Silence will fall...
since proposal: 9
Stuck to the diet: 180
of Tardis cake consumed: 1 <---
My best Bridget Jones impression
the better half has already gone through how we met it’s up to me
to continue the story.
have underestimated the amount we have to cram into this post. Its
only when you begin trying to write everything down do you realise
how much you want to say. I was meant to bring this post the whole
way through the engagement plans but it will have to be split up so
all the important stuff gets enough attention.
decision to ask Catherine to marry me was a simply one. She was
literally put on this earth to complete me, and me her. That being
said it is still a nerve wrecking experience. My only advice would be
share the secret with a select few. I choose two, Nuala and Dinky.
whovian knows the line “Silence will fall when the question is
asked” for everyone this is an amazing teaser tagline for Doctor
Who, for me it resonated deep. The first person to be told of my
plans was the now Bridesmaid Nuala. This was a blessing to me as I
now had an outlet for my excitement, worry and sheer joy.
Upstairs, Bogans Bar, Omagh. Catherine and I meet up with Nuala who
has returned from London for a visit home. Catherine excuses herself
from the table.
– “Noodles... try and stay calm but... I’m going to ask
Catherine to marry me...”
– “...” – (The silence I was referring too)
– “OH MY GOD... When? How? Where?... OH MY GOD”
– “...” – (The silence once again)
– “Im so happy for you both this is amazing news OH MY GOD!”
this point I have sworn her to secrecy and have unburdened my mind
with the framework for my cunning future plans. Freeing my mind up
for more excitement and yes more plans. The rest of that night I took
great pleasure in seeing Nuala try and bottle her excitement and
occasionally start beaming a massive smile at Catherine (none the

Corick House, Clogher, Dinkys Wedding. From the time I had told Nuala
of my plans the dust had settled well except for the random text of
joy and excitement from Nuala. I have just spent the last few months
helping my mate get ready for his wedding, suits, chats to calm him
down and the occasional slap to help him to wise up and chill out. (I
enjoyed those the most) I waited as long as I could, I had to tell
him about my plans, I needed someone on my side i.e. a groomsman.
When the evening of his wedding was drawing to a close it was the
time to tell him. Overjoyed was the reaction I got. Almost as if
Leeanne his new wife had just said “Yes” to him all over again.
was set. I had my support structure in place, I had found the geek
girl of my dreams and I had the makings of a fairytale proposal. Only
one hurdle left... The ring!!!!
is the kind of girl who doesn’t wear jewellery. Maybe an odd
necklace if the occasion called for a bit of Geek Glam. Nevertheless
this situation called for some deep thinking and sly out of the box
deductions. So I did what any other red blooded geek would have done
in my position.... I Googled it.
proved for the first time in my Googling life unsuccessful. Here is a
summary of what found if you are Geek in need of advice, it may work
for you.
- Ask
her, her ring size – (for me defeated the purpose of the secret
- Take
a ring she owns and have it sized – (Catherine doesn’t wear
- Get
a confidant to ascertain the size – (Nuala lives in London)
- Guess!!!
– (couldn’t take the chance of it not fitting)
at this stage I should point out that the ring is not the deal
breaker here, one would hope that if she is going to say yes when you
ask, with a ring that doesn’t fit even if you do not have one at
- Propose
and go ring shopping after – (wouldn’t fit in with my plans)
- Get
a cheap gumball ring the resizable one, keep it in your pocket and
randomly “find” it on the ground and jokingly try it on her.
Laugh it off with a “someday lol”. But keep the ring. Job done.
– (this was my favourite and almost how I was going to do it. It
screamed Wile-e Coyote and Dick Dastardly – Loved it)

me in the end I deployed a move that bought me brownie points and
help me succeed in my end goal. The hand massage technique. Simple
but it works. The basics of the idea are to give your beloved hand
massages. Using your thumb and finger to create a mould of her ring
finger and place it on your own to find the best fit. Catherine’s’
ring finger being the same size of my little finger. This worked a
treat until I realised I was measuring the wrong hand... So the
process began again, remember left hand!!! – I may add it worked
because we spent hours watching the previous 7 series of Doctor who
in the run up to the 50th
anniversary episode. Side note: it was Epic!!!
The Ring
ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them
all and in the darkness bind them”
quest to find the perfect ring was not too bad, all I can say on the
matter is that it will choose you. Armed with the knowledge that
Catherine's Mum, Rosemarie had a circular cut stone, I was resolute
that Catherine would be happy with the same style. As Catherine and
her mum have similar tastes. Some shopping around and some sneaky google searches later I had found the one. All I had to do was run it
past someone to get the green light. My Mum. Shocked by the news she
was delighted, almost giddy. I swear I could almost read her mind “Im
going to have to get a whole new outfit”.
might as well come clean, the ring was one of the last things I got
organised. I was more concerned with the WHERE...