
James and Cat

Monday, 3 March 2014

Fake it till you bake it...

The wedding cake was a topic that Catherine and I were stuck on for quite some time and honestly still haven’t come up with a solution.

There are several different choices to pick from:

1. Bake it ourselves. 

Catherine and I are no stranger to baking, it was a past time hobby that the both of us indulged in for a long time. It all began many moons ago when I first met Catherine, two months later it was her birthday so I made up some “Happy Birthday cupcakes” from then on it got a little out of hand. To the point where we would be making three cakes in one week while still working our normal 9-5. From cupcakes to cakes, tray-bakes to cookies we made it all. Originally we wanted to challenge ourselves with new and different creative projects. Sadly however we have hung up our aprons and funny chef hats. That being said I have always maintained that “I could make a wedding cake no worries.” Not that anybody would ask two mad bakers like us to make one. Knowing the time and effort required to produce a wedding cake to a high enough standard that I would accept doesn’t seem possible to me especially if I were to make it a week or days before the wedding. I wouldn’t have enough time. There is already a growing list of secret surprises to be organized for the day.

2. Buy a fake cake.
Now-a-days it is not unheard of for the happy couple to have a fake cake made from polystyrene for their day. The major advantage is that this method allows for a lot more crazy creative thinking. Any gravity defying structure is possible. On top of this the price comes in slightly cheaper. This really wouldn’t be for me. Our friends and family know how good we are at baking. It doesn’t sound like us. We have had too many fun times baking together, for that to be symbolised by a polystyrene cake that will SCREECH like a tom cat once a knife goes near it, is unacceptable.

3. Enlist a professional baker. 
This is the standard choice for most couples and the most hassle free. To find a good baker I have always believed that one should rely on word of mouth. If a cake looks fantastic but tastes like the dogs diner well then it is a failure. If Catherine and I do choose to go down this route I feel sorry of the baker. Catherine will be fine but I know that I will be a complete nightmare, I have high standards and wild ideas and that is the problem.

We have a design in mind. We hope we have a good balance of traditional and quirky. Either way I am looking forward to getting a slice of cake (a real slice!).


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