
James and Cat

Monday, 16 June 2014

Return of Groomzilla!!!

It is time to bite the bullet and book the suits! I believe enough time has passed and there is enough time remaining to book the suits. The last time I went down this avenue I was branded a “Groomzilla”. This weekend I shall be taking to Omagh with best man in toe to suit up. I was considering going by myself but thought “how would I know it looks good?”

Since the groomsmen’s suits are different from my own having Jason there will give me a good eye to see if there is enough of a difference between us. The major aim of this adventure is to check and see if my idea can be done. Secondly is to choose between a cravat, tie or bow tie. Currently I am swinging towards bow tie but without the suits on its impossible to be sure.

Hey folks, Catherine here! I am so sorry I haven't been posting on here for a while! Its been a crazy few weeks with work and wedding stuff! So much has been going on but this isn't my day to post something so you'll just have to tune in on thursday to hear some of what i've been up to!!!


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