
James and Cat

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Cluck cluck

So I have come to a realisation recently...

I am getting married soon!

I know, I probably should have realised that seeing as we have been writing this blog and planning the wedding and all, but it's really been over the past few weeks that I've really settled in my brain!

I think what's actually made me really aware of the fct the wedding is coming is the fact that next week is my Hen do! 

My sister and Maid of Honour Ciara has arranged the whole thing! All I know is that it is next Saturday ( and to be honest everyone has been throwing me so many red herrings I'm not even totally convinced it is definitely next Saturday!) and I know we are going for something to eat! Ciara was devastated to have to give me the options for what I am going to eat but  I am glad she did! 

I am so excited to get some time with family and friends (although I don't even know who is coming along...) and maybe even dancing the night away...

Whatever happens, I will be filling you in with all the details (or at least those I am allowed to share...)

As you saw on Monday's blog we have been short listed for the Cosmo Blog Awards which was a massive surprise! We are up against some massive names! I actually only found out we had been shortlisted when I went to vote for one of my favourite wedding bloggers!

The winners are selected by a 50% public vote 50% judges choice so We would appreciate your support and your vote! All you have to do is click on the link below and go to the Best wedding blog section and vote for How Geeks get Married! You can vote in other categories or you can vote just for us!

Thank you to everyone who nominated us, reads the blog and just provides us with so much support! It's been such an exciting few months!


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