
James and Cat

Tuesday, 30 September 2014

I’m no Shake-a-Spear but...

The wedding is just around the corner and the tempo has been ramped up! All the jobs that were left for future James and future Catherine have finally come back around. We are meeting them head on and tackling them in a positive and decisive attitude.

When you book anything for your wedding whether it is a band, the cake a photographer they all somehow know to use the same line “Sure we’ll chat closer to the time...” it’s like they are all on the same script or had the same wedding service teacher. Now we are closer to the time, Catherine and i have sent a lot of time getting back in contact with these people.

The biggest thing that is yet to done is a biggie. I have yet to write my speech. I have plenty of ideas just nothing on paper. Every now and again I get small moments of inspiration. I smirk for a minute about how clever it is and tell myself to remember it. Since I do not actually write it down its gone forever. So absolute pearls are now lost forever.

One idea that has stuck with me is making the entire speech from inspirational movie quotes. The only problem is that although I could possibly use “NOBODY puts Catherine in the corner!”, I am struggling with “ROADS?... Where we’re going we don’t need roads”.

The speech is one of those thing at will come to me eventually I just need some time to sit and think. I have discussed it with Catherine. She has gave me a rough time limit (once I start I can ramble forever) secondly she has recommended I at least use bullet points. I normally unless I write down a few pointers, I'll wing it, speaking from the heart. This normally leads to a room full of blank faces trying their best to keep up with my lost train of thought.

I know that once I finally get pen to paper all will be ok and it’s not stressing me out because I know how much I love my very soon to be wife. I won’t have to stretch out a 5 minute speech; I will have to condense a sermon of how much I feel for her. We will see how I do in 9 Days.


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