
James and Cat

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Very last minute prep...

As I have mentioned when we arrived we got to hear one song from Danny Conlon Jr. We were quickly caught up in chatting to all our guests. Making sure they had enough to drink and that they were enjoying themselves. We had arranged a champagne (bubbles) reception to go with the music (BublĂ©).

We went straight to the reception room to see how everything had been set up. We had brought the flowers from the church to decorate the room some more. I was in awe; the room looked like a massive marquee. The walls and roof were draped in white, all they chairs and tables were white with a blue ribbon.

 For our table centres we had bought white birdcages that hold four tea lights, Iona then proceeded to wrap the flowers from the pew ends around the cages to great effect.

I then noticed it! The cake! It was huge. The cake had five tiers. All wrapped with blue ribbon.

Rocky road marshmallow Malteaser
Orange and chocolate sponge
Lemon drizzle
Gluten free Madeira
Wedding fruit cake

Atop the cake stood our cake topper an 8 inch Tardis with sounds and flashing lights. In front the bride and groom kissing as she stood on top of a suitcase.

At this stage time was getting on. We left the team to finish setting up the flowers and we went to get our photographs taken.

Before we left it was my job to set up one last thing. I unveiled it. I turned on the power. The computer was running, the printer was full, the camera was adjusted. Our life size homemade Tardis photobooth was running #Tardisbooth. I will go into more detail next week.


  1. Wow!! Everything is looking great. You did amazing arrangements even on last minute. I am also going to get married on a short notice. I need to book one of domestic Boston venues as soon as possible. Do you know about any good Boston venue?


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